Saturday, September 25, 2010


I always get a kick out of the reaction when others see my acorn for the first time! I suppose as far as size goes any cock that is extremely large or small will get some type of reaction! Suits me just fine!


Anonymous said...

And i thought my husband was small very funny photo

Anonymous said...

THat arousing my penis... Its leaking precum...

Anonymous said...

I was worry about my penis size and now that I am senior male nudist I dont care any more..Being circumised that finally got to me... I try restoring but I couldnt handle it... But I am the only male in my family that be cut... I learned my biological parents where both Doctors. Cut my penis and ran back to there homeland. and use the money for there traveling... I am on the internet with other naked males in my YMCA days....Long before the changes... Sure like your blog...However I wish you had more data in it..Have a good day... Thank you too...

Jimmy Stephens said...

Id love to rub your fat tummy and make your dinkus hard and tickle your balls.